Version 1.0 Release

Finally! Version 1.0 is released. It took me longer than expected but every day it took too long equals a day more development. So even though it took ~10 days too long it's also ~10 days more development.

I've added over 13 more features and fixed many bugs. A detailed changelog can be found below.

So go ahead and download the game. It is a lot of fun trying to solve the puzzles! Also if you have any questions about the game, just write a comment on the game's page. Thank you!

  Version: 1.0
  - Added
      - Unlock levels
      - Game is saved (automaticly) when a level is unlocked
      - Levels
          - 3.3
          - 3.4
          - 3.5
          - 1.6
         - 1.7
         - 1.8
         - 1.9
         - 1.10
         - 2.6
         - 2.7
         - 2.8
     -  Main menu shows the current version of the game next to the title
     -  Bug Report button in the main menu (Link to "https:")
 - Changed
    -  Quit button moved slightly up because of a bug with the buttons "hitbox" (See: line 33)
    -  Post processing
        - Vignette
        - Bloom
        - Color Adjustments
        - White balance
    -  The writing of the text in the main menu is now quiet
 - Removed
    - Changelog Button in the main menu
 - Fixed
    - Objects which are teleportet with a teleporter now loose their
    linnear/angular velocitry.
    - Teleporter Error in C# Levels (No Rigidbody Error)
    - Because of the Lense Destortion effect, buttons that are located at the top or the bottom 
    of the screen are shown somewhere else than their actual position. This causes a bug that makes
    it so that the clickable area of the button is not maching the visible area of the button. This
    bug was fixed by reducing the amount of lense destortion and moving the buttons away from the


OLD_CompileThis-1.0 Windows 33 MB
Aug 30, 2021

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